Mobile applications developer KPIs

Answer QuestionsCategory: SoftwareMobile applications developer KPIs
asked 10 years ago

What are the possible KPIs for software developer who is developing and supporting Android applications?

Amany Shehab replied 10 years ago

Correct errors by making appropriate changes and rechecking the program to ensure that the desired results are produced.Conduct trial runs of programs and software applications to be sure they will produce the desired information and that the instructions are correct.Write, update, and maintain computer programs or software packages to handle specific jobs such as tracking inventory, storing or retrieving data, or controlling other equipment.Write, analyze, review, and rewrite programs, using workflow chart and diagram, and applying knowledge of computer capabilities, subject matter, and symbolic logic.Perform or direct revision, repair, or expansion of existing programs to increase operating efficiency or adapt to new requirements.Consult with managerial, engineering, and technical personnel to clarify program intent, identify problems, and suggest changes.Perform systems analysis and programming tasks to maintain and control the use of computer systems software as a systems programmer.Compile and write documentation of program development and subsequent revisions, inserting comments in the coded instructions so others can understand the program.Prepare detailed workflow charts and diagrams that describe input, output, and logical operation, and convert them into a series of instructions coded in a computer language.Consult with and assist computer operators or system analysts to define and resolve problems in running computer programs.Investigate whether networks, workstations, the central processing unit of the system, or peripheral equipment are responding to a program’s instructions.Assign, coordinate, and review work and activities of programming personnel.Write or contribute to instructions or manuals to guide end users.Train subordinates in programming and program coding.Collaborate with computer manufacturers and other users to develop new programming methods.

KPIs or Strategy – which comes first?

Start free wizard to create your strategy map Ideally, you need to have a strategy before start thinking about KPIs. How to create a good strategy? It's tricky and will require your expertise:
  • You will need to understand what your customers want and
  • How to give them what they want in the most effective way.
  • You will need to think about your competitors and, for sure, about your team.
Sounds like something complex? Not at all! Use this free Strategy Map Wizard and you will have your strategy map in 6 minutes.

10-Step System to Find Tailor-Made Key Performance Indicators


Examples of KPIs

It is easier to get started with KPIs when you have some good examples to follow. Find here examples of KPIs for various domains.

Winning KPI Crash Course

premium-bsc-training Even the best KPIs won't change anything if they are not properly aligned with a business context, if a company's strategy is not well defined, if there is no clear understanding about what the company is measuring and way...

Check out a "crash-course" for the Balanced Scorecard and KPIs.

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