how to develop KPI to measure SAP utilization for each module?

Answer QuestionsCategory: Softwarehow to develop KPI to measure SAP utilization for each module?
asked 10 years ago

I need to know can I design KPI to measure SAP utilization for each module in the organization and what formula or logic can be used and if there is a way in SAP system that shows the number of users utilize such module or t-code. 

1 Answers
Aleksey Savkin Staff answered 10 years ago

Dear Mohammed,
I see there are two parts in your question. Some SAP expert can answer the part about SAP. As for the business part, you need to find out first what is the purpose of measurement. E.g. having some numbers is good, but how/if measuring these numbers will actually help to execute company’s strategy and make your employees more efficient and effective.
Here is a common sense article on this topic.

Mohammed Awaz replied 10 years ago

thanks for your response.An example of what I want to measure is that in the function of “Procure to Pay” how many users and transactions of PO execution is done through SAP, is SAP used for GR posting, material management, tracking the invoice, tracking the shipment, etc..For other modules/ functions I need KPI for the same which represent “How far is SAP utilized in our organization”. As you know in order to increase the efficiency we need to utilize SAP by its possible features to decrease the required time and manpower. that KPI will help in that regard.

Aleksey Savkin Staff replied 10 years ago

So basically it sounds like you have leading indicators (The % of operations formalized in SAP), and lagging indicator (Average time required for the operation). The logic is that with more utilization of SAP the less time will be spent. If you are using BSC Designer (Online or PRO) to work with indicators remember to set choose for indicator if it is leading or lagging (they will have a different colors on strategy map); and for “Time spend” indicator don’t forget to specify “Minimization” as optimization level.A good idea might be to focus on leading actions and respective indicators. For example, do your employees know how to use SAP? Why they are not using it? What can you do to make them use it? Understanding the answers to these questions might lead you to some leading actions and probably few indicators.I remember in one company to solve similar problem managers intentionally bureaucratized the old fashion way to do business. For example, if someone brought data in non PDF format they required to fill in few additional forms (for sure people did not want to do this). This action actually made people change their routines and use PDF format only, because it required no additional bureaucracy.Hope this helps.

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