Measuring warehouse turnaround time by product

Answer QuestionsCategory: ManufacturingMeasuring warehouse turnaround time by product
Oana Boteanu Staff asked 7 years ago

We need a KPI for measuring warehouse turnaround time by product posted in category Warehouse – storage efficiency

This indicator is for measuring of warehouse process; I am trying to measure the performance of the warehouse in terms of costs, product turnaround, storage efficiency.
KPI Units: %

KPI Time Frame: update once a month

See below some KPI examples that should help with your query. Please measure all KPIs over given time period (3 months, 1 year)

Costs of receiving per receiving line
Total receiving costs/ Total receiving lines

Cost per put-away line
Total put-away costs/ Total put-away lines

Storage Cost per item
Total storage costs/ Total items stored

Shipping Cost per order
Total shipping costs/ total orders shipped

Volume received per man-hour
Total volume received / Total man-hours

Occupancy or Storage efficiency
Storage used/ Storage available

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Examples of KPIs

It is easier to get started with KPIs when you have some good examples to follow. Find here examples of KPIs for various domains.

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