KPI for flight training

Answer QuestionsCategory: EducationKPI for flight training
asked 7 years ago

What are the most relevant KPIs to measure the quality of the training of students pilots?

1 Answers
Aleksey Savkin Staff answered 7 years ago

I think the right starting point would be to list the qualities of a good pilot. Just Google for this phrase and you’ll see a lot of options. Look at the qualities that resonate with your perception and look important/relevant for your training program.

The next step is to do root-cause analysis and find out the leading factors of those qualities (that what will help you to build a better training program), as well as indicators that will help to validate achieved qualities (lagging indicators). Also, it’s a good idea to keep in mind the multi-layer nature of any training.

Have a look at the training scorecard and KPIs here.

KPIs or Strategy – which comes first?

Start free wizard to create your strategy map Ideally, you need to have a strategy before start thinking about KPIs. How to create a good strategy? It's tricky and will require your expertise:
  • You will need to understand what your customers want and
  • How to give them what they want in the most effective way.
  • You will need to think about your competitors and, for sure, about your team.
Sounds like something complex? Not at all! Use this free Strategy Map Wizard and you will have your strategy map in 6 minutes.

10-Step System to Find Tailor-Made Key Performance Indicators


Examples of KPIs

It is easier to get started with KPIs when you have some good examples to follow. Find here examples of KPIs for various domains.

Winning KPI Crash Course

premium-bsc-training Even the best KPIs won't change anything if they are not properly aligned with a business context, if a company's strategy is not well defined, if there is no clear understanding about what the company is measuring and way...

Check out a "crash-course" for the Balanced Scorecard and KPIs.

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