It’s hard to give an answer without seeing the details, but here are few ideas to consider:
How do you get new clients?
- I guess it is based a lot on recommendations by other clients, so in your case Net Promoter Score (how likely clients will recommend you to their friends) is a good indicator. Another question is about the best way to obtain the value for it.
- I also assume that you do some traditional marketing, in this case you will benefit from some marketing indicators. Here are some examples.
Another good question to ask is: what are your biggest challenges?
- It is quality of service? How do you plan to improve it? Lagging measure in this case can be “returning clients.”
- Do you have a problem with broken appointments? In that article we discussed how to measure and manage them.
Hope this is enough for the beginning. You can try finding some good indicators (and actually the ways to address your business challenges) using our 12-step system for challenging KPIs.